104 de proiecte din domeniul Engleză

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Engleză104 Geografie321 Mecanică293 Economie1048 Turism și Alimentație37 Limba și Literatura Română33 Industrie Alimentară32 Fizică64 Informatică29 Contabilitate346
Istorie27 Biologie66 Limba Engleză25 Ecologie193 Chimie12 Electric11 Agricultură10 Economia Intreprinderii10 Religie50 Construcţii și Lucrări Publice7 Socio-umane7 Învățământ Vocațional7 Textile Pielărie7 Matematică16 Educatie Antreprenorială6 Alte materii6 Arte6 Electronica și Automatizări6 Psihologie92 TIC (Tehnologia Informației și Comunicării)5 Managementul Calității4 Marketing732 Medicină93 Chimie Industrială4 Limba Franceză4 Electrotehnica Aplicată3 Comerț113 Filosofie 20 Tehnologii3 Educatie Fizică și Sport2 Agronomie177 Electromecanică2 Cultură Civică2 Studiul Calității Mediului2 Discipline Opționale2 Învățământ Special2 Discipline Psihologice și Pedagogice2 Administrație1 Limba Germană1 Management645 Educatie Muzicală1 Mecanică Aplicată1 Elemente de Tehnologie Generală1 Consiliere și Orientare1 Estetica și Igiena Corpului Omenesc1 Desen Tehnic1 Studiul Calității Produselor și Serviciilor1 Industria Alimentară341 Turism330 Finanțe311 Pedagogie270 Bănci158 Alte domenii151 Drept147 Construcții132 Calculatoare119 Electronică84 Electrotehnică79 Comunicare74 Știința Administrației73 Chimie Generală71 Statistică70 Sociologie69 Științe Politice67 Transporturi67 Energetică57 Automatică50 Psihopedagogie46 Organe de mașini43 Limba Română40 Asigurări38 Merceologie37 Chimie Organică29 Istorie Universală25 Educație Fizică24 Farmacie24 Franceză22 Drept Civil22 Mass Media20 Limbaje de Programare19 Știința Materialelor18 Chimie Anorganică17 Tranzacții Internaționale14 Drept Comercial14 Rețele13 Administrație Publică12 Inginerie Aerospatială12 Istoria Românilor11 Sisteme de Operare10 Metalurgie și Siderurgie10 Instalații10 Negociere10 Burse9 Dinamică7 Birotică7 Inteligența Artificială7 Științele Comunicării7 Logică6 Medicină Veterinară6 Artă6 Filologie6 Criminologie5 Antreprenoriat5 Anatomie4 Geodezie3 Rezistența Materialelor3 Grafică Computerizată3 Spaniolă3 Muzică3 Cibernetică3 Optică3 Antropologie3 Arte Plastice3 Creștinism2 Geologie2 Stomatologie2 Pictură2 Astronomie1 Audit1 Istoria Artelor1

Forma de invatamant

Proiecte / Engleză

  • Imagine document Chocolate


    Proiect / Engleză / Facultate

    Is there any other aliment more delicate and romantic than chocolate? Its story is full of mystery, it will capture you completely and you'll be pleasantly surprised of the benefic effects that some of its components have on your health. In our fast-moving, modern society with its...

    31 pagini doc Cuprins
  • Imagine document Philosophy


    Proiect / Engleză / Facultate

    - Empiricism has been Britain's most important contribution t- world philosophy But British philosophers have als- helped t- develop other schools of philosophy: - Idealism, - Utilitarianism, - Evolutionary Philosophy, and - Linguistic Philosophy Most medieval philosophers set...

    31 pagini doc
  • Imagine document British Personalities

    British Personalities

    Proiect / Engleză / Facultate

    - He served an apprenticeship as a mariner - 1567 he was given his first command - In 1570 and 1571 Drake made two profitable trading voyages to the West Indies - 1572 he commanded two vessels in a marauding expedition against Spanish ports in the Caribbean Sea. During this voyage,...

    39 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Music of the United Kingdom

    Music of the United Kingdom

    Proiect / Engleză / Facultate

    English Miniature from a manuscript of the Roman de la Rose - Each of the major nations of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales retained unique forms of music and of instrumentation. - British music was highly influenced by continental developments, while British composers made an...

    28 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Denali National Park

    Denali National Park

    Proiect / Engleză / Facultate

    I. Introduction a. Introduction Nature is a richness that we don't know how to appreciate. Unfortunately, it doesn't have a mouth to scream each time we hurt her. We should be aware of all the wonderful things that nature as to offerto us, one of these wonders being The Denali...

    9 pagini doc Bibliografie
  • Imagine document Mălini Village

    Mălini Village

    Proiect / Engleză / Facultate

    Malini village 1. Location Malini village is situated in the southeastern part of the county of Suceava, on the ridge that separates the Stanisoara Mountains and Neamt Subcarpathians, on the Lower Suha Mare River. The village name comes from a hagberry forest, trees that are preserved...

    12 pagini docx Bibliografie
  • Imagine document Agritourism as a profitable business

    Agritourism as a profitable business

    Proiect / Engleză / Facultate

    Agri-tourism is a business venture located on a working farm, ranch, or agricultural enterprise that provides an "experience" for visitors while generating supplemental income for the owner. Experiences provided to visitors usually take the form of educational or entertainment...

    5 pagini docx
  • Imagine document Military Robots

    Military Robots

    Proiect / Engleză / Facultate

    Military robots are autonomous or remote-controlled devices designed for military applications. Such systems are currently being researched by a number of militaries. Already remarkable success has been achieved with unmanned aerial vehicles like the Predator drone, which are capable...

    10 pagini docx
  • Imagine document Verbe Modale

    Verbe Modale

    Proiect / Engleză / Facultate

    - SHALL / SHOULD SHALL: - exprima o ,,necesitate" sau o ,,obligatie diminuata" - se foloseste in contexte interogative - se traduce prin ,,sa" Shall I give tou the report- = Sa iti dau referatul? - se foloseste pentru a exprima reguli No player shall take the ball from another...

    4 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Harrington Collection - Sizing up the Active-Wear Market

    Harrington Collection - Sizing up the Active-Wear Market

    Proiect / Engleză / Facultate

    Within the U.S. women's apparel industry market Harrington Collection competes with divisions in the higher-end better, bridge, and designer categories. Each category targets customers with different needs and different price ranges, with divisions ranging from $150-$500 to $500-$1000+...

    4 pagini docx
  • Imagine document The victorian age - a time of exceptional achievements

    The victorian age - a time of exceptional achievements

    Proiect / Engleză / Facultate

    Most of the significant changes that characterized nineteenth-century Britain took place, however, under Queen Victoria (1837-1901). Her reign was the longest in the British history, which is why it came to be known as the Victorian age. Victoria's reign coincided with Britain's...

    4 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Richard Steele

    Richard Steele

    Proiect / Engleză / Facultate

    Richard Steele Richard Steele was born in Dublin, Ireland, in March 1672. The exact date of his birth is not known, but he was baptized on March 12. His sister Katherine was born the previous year. Steele's father, an attorney, died in 1676, and his mother died the next year. He was...

    8 pagini doc
  • Imagine document All for the American People

    All for the American People

    Proiect / Engleză / Facultate

    Andrew Jackson was one important figure in American history; he was perceived, from different points of view, sometimes as a negative character (a tyrant, a villain), but more frequently as a positive figure (a democrat, a hero, "man of the people"). First of all, Andrew Jackson...

    4 pagini docx
  • Imagine document Digital Product Development

    Digital Product Development

    Proiect / Engleză / Facultate

    We've come a long way since the days of the paper drawing. Advances in computing power are multiplying the capabilities of design engineers. by Mark A. Burgess The world of digital product development is changing--and changing fast. Just look at the engineering workplace today and...

    8 pagini doc
  • Imagine document America versus europe - which is the bigger threat to the world economy

    America versus europe - which is the bigger threat to the world economy

    Proiect / Engleză / Facultate

    Over the past few days, the U.S. has been in the world's crosshairs. Political bickering in Washington produced a debt agreement widely criticized as insufficient and incomplete. Standard & Poor's downgraded America's credit rating, raising concerns about the health of the world's most...

    10 pagini docx