6103 de referate pentru Liceu

Referate / Liceu

  • Imagine document Teorii ale gândirii economice

    Teorii ale gândirii economice

    Referat / Economie / Liceu

    Gandiri, teorii si afirmatii ale economiei. Inca din cele mai vechi timpuri oamenii au fost preocupati de cunoasterea, stapanirea si studierea societatii, a cadrului in care traiesc si isi desfasoara activitatea. In consecinta, ea a fost analizata atat in ansamblul ei, ca intreg, cat...

    8 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Tipuri De Economii De Piața

    Tipuri De Economii De Piața

    Referat / Economie / Liceu

    Economia de piata reprezinta o modalitate complexa si deosebit de eficienta de realizare a activitatii economice, adica de transformare a resurselor in bunuri si servicii necesare nevoilor oamenilor. Sistemul economic reprezinta elementele sau subsitemele economice dispuse intr-o...

    4 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Tranziția în modernitate

    Tranziția în modernitate

    Referat / Economie / Liceu

    Conecptul de tranzitie sociala desemneaza de regula procesele de trecere de la o societate la alta, de la un sistem social la altul. Intr-o asemenea aptica stadiile de tranzitie sociala apar ca o adevarata punte intre doua tipuri de societati. Un fragment lung al ei este inclus in...

    2 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Tranziția la economia cu piață concurențială

    Tranziția la economia cu piață concurențială

    Referat / Economie / Liceu

    Poporul roman a optat pentru economia cu piata concurentiala si mecanismul ei functional, intelegand ca monopolul proprietatii socialiste de stat, mecanismele economiei de comanda nu mai puteau asigura orientarea energiilor natiunii spre satisfacerea acceptabila a nevoilor limitate si...

    3 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Tva


    Referat / Economie / Liceu

    -Se cuprind in sfera de aplicare a taxei pe valoarea adaugata operatiunile efectuate in Romania care indeplinesc in mod cunulativ conditiile prevazute la art. 1 alin. 2 din Legea nr. 345/2002 privind taxa pe valuarea adaugata denumita in continuare in lege. In situatiile in care cel...

    13 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Uniunea Europeană, realizări și perspective

    Uniunea Europeană, realizări și perspective

    Referat / Economie / Liceu

    In cele peste patru decenii de existenta, UE a intreprins pasi insemnati in realizarea prevederilor Tratatului de la Roma, care a pus bazele asocierii, si a inscris ca obiective esentiale armonizarea politicii economice a statelor, realizarea de politici comerciale comune, de politici...

    2 pagini doc
  • Imagine document About Vitamins

    About Vitamins

    Referat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    Vitamins and minerals are substances that are found in foods we eat. Your body needs them to work properly, so you grow and develop just like you should. When it comes to vitamins, each one has a special role to play. For example: There are two types of vitamins: fat soluble and water...

    3 pagini doc
  • Imagine document About Womens Life After 1850

    About Womens Life After 1850

    Referat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    dress has always reflected the dynamic changes in society; the exclusive handmade dresses-in a period where animal and human muscles were the only source of power - gradually gave way to the popularity of tailor made clothes as textile factories dotted the landscape of early 19th...

    5 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Air as a gas

    Air as a gas

    Referat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    Air is a gas. Gases have various properties that we can observe with our senses, including the gas pressure (p), temperature (T), mass (m), and volume (V) that contains the gas. Careful, scientific observation has determined that these variables are related to one another, and the...

    45 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Alcatraz


    Referat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    The name Alcatraz is derived from the Spanish Alcatraces. In 1775, the Spanish explorer Juan Manuel de Ayala was the first to sail into what is now known as San Francisco Bay - his expedition mapped the bay and named one of the three islands Alcatraces. Over time, the name was...

    4 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Alcohol


    Referat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    The purpose of this report is to present the effects, reasons and implications of alcohol consumption. This report is explaining the development, spreading, social implications and effects on the human body of alcohol consumption. Firstly, the report is trying to clarify when and...

    12 pagini doc Bibliografie
  • Imagine document Allergies


    Referat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    An allergy is an abnormal reaction or increased sensitivity to certain substances or allergens. The allergic individual produces symptoms when exposed to these substances which are harmless to non-allergic people. Many people have few, if any, allergies (except perhaps to having to...

    4 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Alone on a desert island

    Alone on a desert island

    Referat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    After I watched the movie Cast Away on TV, I went to bed and I had the strangest and scariest dream ever! I dreamed that I was kidnapped by some UFO s and dropped in the middle of the ocean. The creatures must have been merciful, because I landed somewhere near dry land. I had no idea...

    1 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Ambition


    Referat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    Ambition is defined as a strong desire to obtain success, power, or riches or as something that you want very much to do or to obtain. Having an ambition represents everything to many people. The only purpose in a man s life is fulfilling his dream, because am ambition can be associated...

    1 pagini doc
  • Imagine document American Football

    American Football

    Referat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    Football is played by two opposing teams, each fielding 11 players. Each team tries to move the ball down the field to score in the end zone defended by its opponents. During a football game the teams are designated as the offensive team (the team in possession of the ball) and the...

    2 pagini doc