1550 de documente din materia Limba Engleză

Materie sau Domeniu

Limba Engleză1550 Limba și Literatura Română3410 Istorie1828 Geografie4371 Biologie2096 Informatică693 Economie14844 Fizică1567 Chimie479 Religie1447
Limba Franceză429 Psihologie3042 Limba Germană335 Alte materii304 Medicină2603 Matematică715 Turism și Alimentație201 Filosofie 770 Mecanică1822 Contabilitate3726 Ecologie2064 Educatie Muzicală106 Marketing5858 Drept7340 Astronomie160 Industrie Alimentară87 Agricultură73 Electric72 Arte68 TIC (Tehnologia Informației și Comunicării)53 Socio-umane45 Limba Spaniolă43 Anatomie224 Limba Italiană29 Automatică712 Învățământ Vocațional28 Comerț1097 Educatie Fizică și Sport25 Educatie Antreprenorială24 Agronomie1704 Economia Intreprinderii24 Construcţii și Lucrări Publice22 Electronica și Automatizări22 Desen20 Textile Pielărie19 Managementul Calității16 Tehnologii14 Electromecanică13 Management7015 Stiințe Politice2020 Studiul Calității Produselor și Serviciilor12 Educatie Plastică11 Discipline Psihologice și Pedagogice10 Educatie Tehnologică9 Discipline Opționale9 Consiliere și Orientare8 Administrație7 Limba Latină7 Instrumente și Tehnici de Laborator6 Electrotehnica Aplicată6 Statistică633 Chimie Industrială5 Fabricarea Produselor din Lemn5 Elemente de Tehnologie Generală5 Jurnalism4 Finanțe Bănci4 Învățământ Special4 Desen Tehnic3 Cultură Civică3 Materiale de Construcții2 Studiul Calității Mediului2 Estetica și Igiena Corpului Omenesc2 Mecanică Aplicată1 Silvicultură1 Materii Prime și Materiale1 Finanțe3800 Calculatoare2782 Industria Alimentară2776 Turism2383 Sociologie1845 Bănci1715 Comunicare1699 Construcții1591 Electronică1548 Pedagogie1496 Engleză1300 Alte domenii1274 Știința Administrației1217 Electrotehnică1207 Chimie Generală1155 Istorie Universală947 Drept Civil876 Limbaje de Programare766 Transporturi720 Asigurări696 Psihopedagogie630 Energetică602 Drept Comercial596 Istoria Românilor561 Limba Română539 Merceologie506 Mass Media449 Educație Fizică435 Chimie Organică397 Farmacie358 Franceză337 Medicină Veterinară320 Științele Comunicării295 Filologie289 Negociere267 Rețele263 Sisteme de Operare233 Știința Materialelor229 Organe de mașini222 Burse222 Tranzacții Internaționale210 Artă209 Chimie Anorganică197 Inteligența Artificială197 Metalurgie și Siderurgie194 Grafică Computerizată153 Criminologie151 Administrație Publică141 Birotică137 Inginerie Aerospatială125 Antropologie116 Optică101 Litere94 Muzică88 Instalații83 Istoria Artelor76 Creștinism70 Limbi Străine67 Stomatologie56 Germană55 Dinamică54 Logică54 Spaniolă45 Arte Plastice39 Rezistența Materialelor28 Geodezie27 Probabilități24 Arhitectură23 Antreprenoriat13 Telecomunicații12 Geologie12 Pictură10 Audit9 Cibernetică6

Forma de invatamant

Documente / Limba Engleză

  • Imagine document The future school

    The future school

    Referat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    It would be a way of online learning, the children would come to school only to take the tests that would be taken on a special tablet. The exams would be more frequent (once 2 week) which includes all the subjects in one 2 hours test The children that fail the exams would take an...

    7 pagini pptx
  • Imagine document Buckingham Palace - The heart of London

    Buckingham Palace - The heart of London

    Atestat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    Britain is strewn with ruins of castles, rubble from the centuries of her existence. Castles aretangible relics of a remarkable past, a lengthy heritage etched in stone, as well as with the bloodand sweat of those who built, labored, fought, and died in their shadow.Castles have a...

    19 pagini docx Cuprins Bibliografie
  • Imagine document Life în the countryside

    Life în the countryside

    Referat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    My name is . and I would like to present in this report the advantages of life in the countryside. For me life in the countryside means delightful views and the lack of a border between us and nature A quote that I want to remember: "Rural life must be favored, because we see the works...

    4 pagini doc
  • Imagine document My friend

    My friend

    Referat / Limba Engleză / Gimnaziu

    I have a few of friends : schoolmates, neighbours, relatives. I can’t imagine my life without they. But there is one, who will always be in the first place, her name is Marie and she is my closest friend. We know each other for 6 years. Marie is a beautiful and funny girl always she...

    1 pagini docx
  • Imagine document American brands

    American brands

    Atestat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    I chose to write about brands because of course I love shopping! I am extremely selective about the brands so I chose to talk about American Brands. I watch fashion shows, read magazines, news and all that stuff to be up to date. From my point of view to be well dressed means to have...

    19 pagini doc Cuprins Bibliografie
  • Imagine document The plastic arts

    The plastic arts

    Referat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    Plastic arts combine all practices or activities that perform an artistic, aesthetic or poetic representation through forms or volumes. Art, says Tudor Vianu, "is the most perfect form of human labor," in which the intelligence and sensibility of the human being materialize through...

    4 pagini doc
  • Imagine document John Ronald Reuel Tolkien

    John Ronald Reuel Tolkien

    Atestat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    J.R.R. Tolkien is an internationally renowned fantasy writer. He is best known for authoring The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings trilogy. He was inspired to write The Hobbit by the cryptic couplet: “Eîlî Earendel engla beorhtast/ Ofer middangeard monnum sended”, which translates as:...

    13 pagini docx Cuprins Bibliografie
  • Imagine document Ernest Hemingway

    Ernest Hemingway

    Atestat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    Argument I have chosen to write about Ernest Hemingway because I belive he is one of the most important and fascinating writers with an adventurous and complex life. All his novels are based on his own life experiences and,in this way, the reader is capable to find more,not only about...

    22 pagini docx Cuprins Bibliografie
  • Imagine document The Beatles

    The Beatles

    Atestat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    CHAPTER 1 Introduction The Beatles were an English rock band that took shape in Liverpool in the 1960’s and one of the most commercially scuccessful and ctricaly acclaimed acts in the history of popular music.The group’s best-known lineup consisted of John Lennon ( rhythm guitar,...

    20 pagini docx Cuprins Bibliografie
  • Imagine document British castles

    British castles

    Atestat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    Introduction Britain is strewn with ruins of castles, rubble from the centuries of her existence. Castles are tangible relics of a remarkable past, a lengthy heritage etched in stone, as well as with the blood and sweat of those who built, labored, fought, and died in their shadow....

    28 pagini doc Cuprins Bibliografie
  • Imagine document Atestat de competență lingvistică la limba engleză

    Atestat de competență lingvistică la limba engleză

    Atestat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    1. Why did I choose this subject? Since I was a child I have loved watching different kinds of sports, such as football, handball, tennis, motorsports and even eSports. I grew up loving most of the sports I was watching and always wanted to try them, despite not having success. There is...

    41 pagini pdf pptx Cuprins Bibliografie
  • Imagine document The coat of arms or 1000 years of knighthood history

    The coat of arms or 1000 years of knighthood history

    Atestat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    Argument I have always been fascinated by the image of the "knight in shining armor," and I'm sure I'm not alone. Who hasn't wondered what it was really like to live the life of a knight? Just what was a knight? What did it take to become one, and what were his duties and...

    17 pagini docx Cuprins Bibliografie
  • Imagine document The Da Vinci code

    The Da Vinci code

    Comentariu / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    It is no doubt that Brown will remain ingrained in the worldwide’ s history, as one of the most controversial authors of novels, decrypting susceptible ideas, the trickster who joggles with an infinite hoop of information. Very confident in his writing, Brown is focusing in “The Da...

    2 pagini docx
  • Imagine document Civilization


    Eseu / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    1. Geographical Position Geographical Position of the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom is a great,developed,rich leading country. First of all,the United Kingdom is situated on the British Isles and it is separated from the continent by the English Channel.Historically the...

    7 pagini docx
  • Imagine document Review


    Referat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    Who is the audience? The audience for this question is usually an interested consumer or magazine reader. What is the purpose of the writing? You need to describe something (or some things) and give your opinion. Is it formal? No. Should I use headings or bullet points? You can use...

    4 pagini docx
