Proiect / Limba Engleză / Liceu
English food has traditionally been based on beef, lamb, pork, chicken and fish and generally served with potatoes and one other vegetable. The most common and typical foods eaten in England include the sandwich, fish and chips, pies like the cornish pasty, trifle and roasts dinners....
Proiect / Limba Engleză / Liceu
Quantum cryptography, or quantum key distribution (QKD), uses quantum mechanics to guarantee secure communication. It enables two parties to produce a shared random bit string known only to them, which can be used as a key to encrypt and decrypt messages. An important and unique...
Proiect / Limba Engleză / Liceu
Counterintelligence (CI) refers to efforts made by intelligence organizations to prevent hostile or enemy intelligence organizations from successfully gathering and collecting intelligence against them. Many governments organize counterintelligence agencies separate and distinct from...
Proiect / Limba Engleză / Liceu
Our main business activity is selling and delyvering candy products. We came up with this business plan because we think that candies has a huge potential to be used for the distribution of promotional messages. We will suppose that our company will have a great succes on the...
Proiect / Limba Engleză / Liceu
This powerful advocate of liberty was born in 1743 in Albemarle County, Virginia, inheriting from his father, a planter and surveyor, some 5,000 acres of land, and from his mother, a Randolph, high social standing. He studied at the College of William and Mary, then read law. In 1772 he...
Proiect / Limba Engleză / Liceu
Postmodernism is a complicated term, or set of ideas, one that has only emerged as an area of academic study since the mid-1980s. Postmodernism is hard to define, because it is a concept that appears in a wide variety of disciplines or areas of study, including art, architecture, music,...
Proiect / Limba Engleză / Liceu
Greece is a country of a great interests and diverse cultures, influenced by its location, at the junction between the East and the West and by the many occupations endured by the Greek people throughout history.Greeks in Greece are particularly proud of their culture, country and speak...
Proiect / Limba Engleză / Liceu
The England castles features are some of the most famous in world as well as a major tourist attraction. Castles have been an important part of life in England since the early days of the Norman conquerors, and have served as defensive strongholds, homes, and historic sites throughout...
Proiect / Limba Engleză / Liceu
The main reason I have chosen this subject is because I am very interested in strange things which have no logical explanation for the human mind. I am also very impressed how a simple and ordinary story such as The Monster of Loch Ness could convert this animal in a multimillion dollar...
Proiect / Limba Engleză / Liceu
It wasn`t very hard for me to chose the most interesting subject and to write about. First of all, I think that all of us should be interested in our planets` problems and changes, to learn how to preserve and keep the best environment, because even if it is about natural disasters,...
Proiect / Limba Engleză / Liceu
The Coca-Cola Company reprezinta cea mai mare companie producatoare de bauturi racoritoare din lume si cel mai mare producator, distribuitor si comercializant de bauturi non-alcolice si siropuri din lume.Totodata ea reprezinta una dintre cele mai mari corporatii din Statele Unite ale...
Proiect / Limba Engleză / Liceu
Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, and directed research. Education frequently takes place under the guidance of educators, but...
Proiect / Limba Engleză / Liceu
Camembert cheese is one of the most popular types of French cheeses. This comes from Normandy even from village Camembert.The history of genuine Camembert de Normandie begins in the late seventeenth century, during the French Revolution , On the farm Beaumoncel, in a small village in...
Proiect / Limba Engleză / Liceu
Some time ago Somerset Maugham said that "to eat well in England, you should have breakfast three times a day”. To be perfectly honest, most British food was considered by many people as terrible. It included overcooked vegetables, boring sandwiches and greasy sausages. It was...
Proiect / Limba Engleză / Liceu
As it is stated by . in his paper „Modern Terrorism” today terrorism seems to be all around us, it is considered to be one of the most actual topic nowadays. This paper presents a kind of guide about terrorism. The work consists of: introduction, three chapters, some statistics data and...