1550 de documente din materia Limba Engleză

Materie sau Domeniu

Limba Engleză1550 Limba și Literatura Română3408 Istorie1827 Geografie4369 Biologie2095 Informatică693 Economie14840 Fizică1567 Chimie479 Religie1446
Limba Franceză429 Psihologie3039 Limba Germană335 Alte materii304 Medicină2600 Matematică715 Turism și Alimentație201 Filosofie 770 Mecanică1822 Contabilitate3726 Ecologie2062 Educatie Muzicală106 Marketing5857 Drept7338 Astronomie160 Industrie Alimentară87 Agricultură73 Electric72 Arte68 TIC (Tehnologia Informației și Comunicării)53 Socio-umane45 Limba Spaniolă43 Anatomie224 Limba Italiană29 Automatică712 Învățământ Vocațional28 Comerț1097 Educatie Fizică și Sport25 Educatie Antreprenorială24 Agronomie1703 Economia Intreprinderii24 Construcţii și Lucrări Publice22 Electronica și Automatizări22 Desen19 Textile Pielărie19 Managementul Calității16 Tehnologii13 Electromecanică13 Management7011 Stiințe Politice2020 Studiul Calității Produselor și Serviciilor12 Educatie Plastică11 Discipline Psihologice și Pedagogice10 Educatie Tehnologică9 Discipline Opționale9 Consiliere și Orientare8 Administrație7 Limba Latină7 Instrumente și Tehnici de Laborator6 Electrotehnica Aplicată6 Statistică633 Chimie Industrială5 Fabricarea Produselor din Lemn5 Elemente de Tehnologie Generală5 Jurnalism4 Finanțe Bănci4 Învățământ Special4 Desen Tehnic3 Cultură Civică3 Materiale de Construcții2 Studiul Calității Mediului2 Estetica și Igiena Corpului Omenesc2 Mecanică Aplicată1 Silvicultură1 Materii Prime și Materiale1 Finanțe3800 Calculatoare2782 Industria Alimentară2776 Turism2382 Sociologie1845 Bănci1715 Comunicare1699 Construcții1590 Electronică1548 Pedagogie1496 Engleză1299 Alte domenii1274 Știința Administrației1217 Electrotehnică1207 Chimie Generală1155 Istorie Universală947 Drept Civil876 Limbaje de Programare766 Transporturi720 Asigurări695 Psihopedagogie629 Energetică602 Drept Comercial595 Istoria Românilor560 Limba Română539 Merceologie506 Mass Media449 Educație Fizică434 Chimie Organică397 Farmacie358 Franceză337 Medicină Veterinară320 Științele Comunicării295 Filologie289 Negociere267 Rețele263 Sisteme de Operare233 Știința Materialelor229 Organe de mașini222 Burse222 Tranzacții Internaționale210 Artă209 Chimie Anorganică197 Inteligența Artificială197 Metalurgie și Siderurgie194 Grafică Computerizată153 Criminologie151 Administrație Publică140 Birotică137 Inginerie Aerospatială125 Antropologie116 Optică101 Litere93 Muzică88 Instalații83 Istoria Artelor76 Creștinism70 Limbi Străine67 Stomatologie56 Germană55 Dinamică54 Logică54 Spaniolă45 Arte Plastice39 Rezistența Materialelor28 Geodezie27 Probabilități24 Arhitectură23 Antreprenoriat13 Telecomunicații12 Geologie12 Pictură10 Audit9 Cibernetică6

Forma de invatamant

Documente / Limba Engleză

  • Imagine document Save The Planet

    Save The Planet

    Referat / Limba Engleză / Gimnaziu

    If you throw away 2 aluminum cans, you waste more energy than 1, 000, 000, 000 (one billion) of the worlds poorest people use a day. Making a new can from scratch uses the energy equal to half a can of gasoline. Air conditioning uses 10 times more energy than a fan, therefore, it...

    2 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Scotland


    Referat / Limba Engleză / Gimnaziu

    Scotland is one of the four countries which form The United Kingdom - England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. People from England are 'English', people from Wales are 'Welsh', people from Northern Ireland are 'Northern Irish', and those who live in Scotland are 'Scottish'....

    1 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Shakespeares King Lear

    Shakespeares King Lear

    Referat / Limba Engleză / Gimnaziu

    It would be nice if we could say that William Shakespeare wrote King Lear when he himself was at an advanced age. We could picture him becoming concerned with retirement and the disposal of his property and goods. But the theory collapses when you realize that Shakespeare was only 41...

    16 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Should animals be kept in cages or hunted

    Should animals be kept in cages or hunted

    Referat / Limba Engleză / Gimnaziu

    The issue of keeping the animals in cages or not, or hunting them, is one of the most well-known and often discussed topic. Some people say, that the animals should live in freedom, but believe that the dangerous ones should be kept in cages or in well protected places not to harm the...

    1 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Speak about the importance of friendship in ones life

    Speak about the importance of friendship in ones life

    Referat / Limba Engleză / Gimnaziu

    Having friends is very important in everyone s life because friends are always there for us whenever we need them. We need friends to Those friends are not easy to find, but when we find them we know they will be like family to us. Whenever we need them they will be there for us no...

    1 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Spiru Haret

    Spiru Haret

    Referat / Limba Engleză / Gimnaziu

    Spiru Haret was a scientist, university professor, academician, minister of education, organizer and leader of social, economic, educational, cultural and journalistic activites. And he was an eminent mathematician. The subject of the thesis he submitted for a doctor s degree about the...

    1 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Sport in our life

    Sport in our life

    Referat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    Sport plays an important role in the life of many people. It makes people healthier and it s a good way of spending free time. Sport is good for health, but only if you are sport-lover. Professional sportsmen have a lot of injuries. A lot of people in Russia heard about the young...

    3 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Stonehenge


    Referat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    More than 4,000 years ago, the people of the Neolithic period decided to build a massive monument using earth, timber and eventually, stones, placing it high on Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England -- about 137 kilometres southwest of London. Why anyone ever decided to build Stonehenge...

    20 pagini doc Cuprins Bibliografie
  • Imagine document Stonehenge


    Referat / Limba Engleză / Gimnaziu

    This ancient monument of huge stones standing alone on the Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England has been a mistery for centuries. Theories about who built it have included the Druids, Greeks, Phoenicians, and Atlanteans. The reason it was built for can be human sacrifice or astronomy....

    2 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Taj Mahal

    Taj Mahal

    Referat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    Located at the city of Agra in the State of Uttar Pradesh, the Taj Mahal is one of the most beautiful masterpieces of architecture in the world. Agra, situated about 200 km south of New Delhi, was the Capital of the Mughals (Moguls), the Muslim Emperors who ruled Northern India between...

    2 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Țări vorbitoare de limba engleză

    Țări vorbitoare de limba engleză

    Referat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    Like the old joke about London buses, you wait for ages and then three come along at once. This is suddenly the season for books on language development and change. This work covers some of the same ground as John McWhorters book I reviewed last week and another book on a related theme...

    26 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Thackeray Vanity Fair

    Thackeray Vanity Fair

    Referat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    Thackeray describes in Vanity Fair the English society at the beginning of the 19C. His work is not a historical novel but a social one, and his main purpose is to portray English society s morality and habits as a whole and not as a particular moment in time. Time has changed fashion...

    2 pagini doc
  • Imagine document The 7 Wonders Of The World

    The 7 Wonders Of The World

    Referat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    They are consider the seven wonders of the world the most important creations of the Antiquity, impresive by their size and tehniqe achievements. Those are: 1. The Piramids of Ghiza: The hightest of the three piramids has 146 meters and the base of 230 metres. For the build of it were...

    3 pagini doc
  • Imagine document The Achievement Of Tom Hanks

    The Achievement Of Tom Hanks

    Referat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    Although just 45 years old, actor/director/writer/producer Tom Hanks has proven himself an extraordinarily versatile and talented artist. Be it comedy or drama, Hanks performances are masterful, refined portraits of men intimately recognizable to audiences. While Hanks complex...

    2 pagini doc
  • Imagine document The Beatles

    The Beatles

    Referat / Limba Engleză / Gimnaziu

    The Beatles British rock music group, which revolutionized popular music around the world in the 1960s by leading a movement in rock music known as the British Invasion (see Rock Music: The British Invasion). From 1964 through 1969, the Beatles achieved unprecedented popularity with 30...

    1 pagini doc