Documente publicate de Sonia Rotaru

Documente publicate de Sonia Rotaru

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    A story

    Rezumat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    The story opens as a father discovers that his 9-year-old boy, Schatz, has a fever. The father sends for the doctor and he diagnoses a mild case of influenza. As long as the fever doesn't go above 104 degrees, the doctor says, the boy will be fine, and he leaves three different types of... citeste mai departe

    1 pagini
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    Eseu / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    In linguistics, a homonym (from Gr. "homos" means "the same", "omona" means "name") is, in the strict sense, one of a group of words that share the same spelling and the same pronunciation but have different meanings. Thus homonyms are simultaneously homographs (words that share the... citeste mai departe

    8 pagini
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    English and American climate and weather

    Referat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    - 'By climate we mean the average weather as ascertained by many years' observations. Climate also takes into account the extreme weather experienced during that period. Climate is what on an average we may expect weather is what we actually get'' The United States and the United... citeste mai departe

    1 pagini
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    Culture în Britain

    Eseu / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    The United Kingdom (UK) is rich and varied in culture, with significant influence on the development of world culture. The country is a political union of formerly independent states, with each home nation preserving a distinct culture. The UK's earliest literature can be traced back... citeste mai departe

    19 pagini
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    Protejarea mediului în localitatea natală

    Proiect / Geografie / Liceu

    In situatia in care tot mai mult se intensifica activitatea antropica, problema degradarii mediului apare in fata umanitatii tot mai acut, necesitind a fi rezolvata cit mai curind. Aerul, apa, solul, sunt elementele vitale care permit existenta si dezvoltarea vietii pe Pamint, de... citeste mai departe

    7 pagini

Sonia Rotaru
