8287 de documente pentru Liceu

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Documente / Liceu

  • Imagine document Programare C++ Backtracking

    Programare C++ Backtracking

    Proiect / Informatică / Liceu

    Aceasta tehnica se foloseste in rezolvarea problemelor care indeplinesc simultan urmatoarele conditii: solutia lor poate fi pusa sub forma unui vector S=x1,x2,....xn, cu x1A1,....,An; multimile A1,A2,....,An sunt multimi finite, iar elementele lor se considera ca se afla intr-o...

    22 pagini ppt
  • Imagine document Cel mai iubit dintre pământeni

    Cel mai iubit dintre pământeni

    Referat / Limba și Literatura Română / Liceu

    Ultimul si cel mai valoros roman al lui M. Preda, publicat in 1980, a fost considerat de critica un ,,roman total''[E. Simion], ,,un roman complet'' [ N. Manolescu], care isi propune sa analizeze istoria dramatica a epocii stalinisto- comuniste prin confesiunea protagonistului, Victor...

    4 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Adjectivul


    Lecție / Limba și Literatura Română / Liceu

    Adjectivul este partea de vorbire flexibila care exprima insusirea (calitatea) unui obiect. Insoteste un substantiv cu care se acorda in gen, numar si caz. Adjectivul poate exprima: v insusirea, proprietatea unei fiinte sau a unui obiect: frumos, bun, inteligent, greu, usor, drag,...

    3 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Energia eoliană

    Energia eoliană

    Proiect / Ecologie / Liceu

    Intreaga energie renovabila (cu exceptia celei geotermale si mareice), provine in ultima instanta de la soare Terra primeste 1,74 x 1017 watt (pe ora) de la Soare 2% este transformata in energie eoliana (de 50-100 ori mai mult decat energia transformata in biomasa) Incalzirea...

    14 pagini ppt
  • Imagine document Portofoliu Psihilogie

    Portofoliu Psihilogie

    Proiect / Psihologie / Liceu

    I)Factorii care influenteaza evolutia psihicului Faptul ca factorii sociali sunt determinati in evolutia psihicului uman este determinat de cateva argumente: 1. prin izolarea completa a individului de mediul social, psihicul acestuia ramane in stadiul de psihic animal; 2. sub...

    61 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Cars


    Referat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    Cars have two opposite personalities. One is friendly and attractive the other is destructive and can be lethal. The desire to own a car is linked to pleasure, sexuality, convenience and freedom. Men lust for attractive, prestigious cars they way they lust for women and women desire men...

    1 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Cinema


    Referat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    Cinema has developed into a very well known place by the young generation while theatre is showing its beautiful sites only to old generations. We all know that theatre is going to disappear in a couple of centuries because is not interesting at all for teenagers. Only adults like...

    1 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Country and City Life

    Country and City Life

    Referat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    Evryone of us dreams to have somday a peacefull place where they could sit and enjoy their last years of their lifes, but like in all cases, there are problems regarding cities and villages. The first thing you do for a accomodation is finding a place. In the city you have a variety of...

    1 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Describe a Visit to a Famous Capital City You Particulary Enjoyed

    Describe a Visit to a Famous Capital City You Particulary Enjoyed

    Referat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    Some years ago I spent a few days with a couple of friends in the Hungarian capital,Budapest.Before,we left and while we were on the bus we were very anxious to see this wonderful city.We knew that Budapest is situated on the Danube,in Western Hungary.Before 1873,Budapest had been...

    1 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Television în Making us a Nation of Watchers

    Television în Making us a Nation of Watchers

    Referat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    A major controversy nowadays is whether television is beneficial for people or not.To my mind,watching television indeed makes us want to stay indoors,on the cauch,watching a box and having a relatively good time. Some people advocate that television is damaging for us and its only...

    1 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Friends


    Referat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    Because you have begun reading this article, I want to tell you something or rather, ask you: who is your friend or who are your friends? Why did you choose these ones and not others instead? You need them or they need you? Do you see them to be the same friends when you are sad, as...

    2 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Has Television Destroyed Communication Among Friends and Family

    Has Television Destroyed Communication Among Friends and Family

    Referat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    Television is undoubtedly one of the most powerful means of communication in the history of humankind, rivaled only by such other forms of communication as the Internet, the telephone, movies, and, of course, simple, low-tech speech. Television, with its wide availability and rich media...

    2 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Hobbies


    Referat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    Hobbies - various leisure-time activities, usually involving collecting objects such as stamps or butterflies, or creating objects such as wood carvings or embroidery. Once limited to people of wealth and leisure, hobbies are increasingly pursued as modern technology makes more free...

    2 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Parlamentul - Scurt Istoric

    Parlamentul - Scurt Istoric

    Referat / Socio-umane / Liceu

    Istoria parlamentara in Romania incepe cu anul 1831 cand, in Tara Romanesca, a fost adoptat un act cu caracter constitutional denumit Regulamentul organic, aplicat, un an mai tarziu, si in Moldova. Regulamentele organice au pus bazele parlamentarismului in Principatele Romane....

    1 pagini doc
  • Imagine document The Ingredients of Air Pollution

    The Ingredients of Air Pollution

    Referat / Limba Engleză / Liceu

    Transportation is the largest single source of air pollution in the United States. It causes nearly two-thirds of the carbon monoxide, a third of the nitrogen oxides, and a quarter of the hydrocarbons in our atmosphere. With the number of vehicles on the road and the number of vehicle...

    1 pagini doc