1295 de documente pentru Facultate din domeniul Engleză

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Engleză1295 Economie14157 Drept7193 Management6935 Marketing5716 Finanțe3787 Contabilitate3538 Calculatoare2773 Geografie2772 Industria Alimentară2763

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Documente / Engleză / Facultate

  • Imagine document A Guide to Business Lunch

    A Guide to Business Lunch

    Referat / Engleză / Facultate

    For thousands of years, important business deals have been struck over a fine meal. Food and drink bring people together in ways that few other things can. At the same time, a meal gone wrong can sour a deal very quickly. A business lunch is part meal, part meeting. It’s informal, but...

    5 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Travel Agents

    Travel Agents

    Referat / Engleză / Facultate

    Travel Agents SIGNIFICANT POINTS Travel benefits, such as reduced rates for transportation and lodging, attract many people to this occupation. Training at a postsecondary vocational school, college, or university is increasingly important. Travel agents increasingly specialize in...

    9 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Women în Business

    Women în Business

    Referat / Engleză / Facultate

    Are the women powerful because they are well paid or they earn so much for being powerful? This is a question that passes through many people mind. Psychologists affirm that, in any country exists main difference between men and women in the way they are reach to success. For example,...

    4 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Corporation


    Referat / Engleză / Facultate

    Corporation A corporation is a legal entity (technically, a juristic person) which has a separate legal personality from its members.The defining legal rights and obligations of the corporation are: the ability to sue and be sued;the ability to hold assets in its own name; the ability...

    6 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Temeni limba și literatura engleză

    Temeni limba și literatura engleză

    Seminar / Engleză / Facultate

    1. Hiperbole and understatement= the figure of speech called hyperbole( Greek for “overshooting”) is bold overstatement ,or extravagant exaggeration of fact, used either for serious or comic effect. Iago says gloatingly of Othello (III. Iii 330 ff.): Not poppy nor mandragora, Nor all...

    17 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Closure type - In Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights

    Closure type - In Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights

    Referat / Engleză / Facultate

    Main points of debate: - The inner conflict - The „premonition” of impending death -Heathcliff’s inexpressible joy -Heathcliff’s beliefs towards death - Human relations: -The rife rumours-and the manner in which people regard this strange death -The irony from the last page of...

    4 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Worldcom’s Accounting Fraud

    Worldcom’s Accounting Fraud

    Referat / Engleză / Facultate

    Company Background WorldCom began in 1983 as a small company named Long Distance Discount Services, Inc. in Jackson, Mississippi. Within 15 years, it had become a global telecommunications giant and one of the largest companies in the world. Few companies in the annals of American...

    4 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Harghita County

    Harghita County

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    Harghita County has a total area of 6,639 km². Harghita consists primarily of mountains, connected to the Eastern Carpathians, such as the Ciuc and Harghita Mountains; volcanic plateaux, foothills, and the more densely populated river valleys. The mountains are volcanic in origin, and...

    4 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Rwanda Civil War

    Rwanda Civil War

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    No other recent conflict in Africa has taken as high a toll in such a short period of time as the Rwanda genocide, in which between half a million and a million people were massacred. From April to July 1994, extremist political groups organized the massacre, directed primarily at the...

    3 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Sales Contract

    Sales Contract

    Referat / Engleză / Facultate

    Sales Contract Between Nuff-Niff Ltd., Opera Business Centre, 124 Intependentei Street, 78 234 Bucharest, Romania, hereinafter referred to as Buyer, on the one part, and Collorella S.p.A., 23 Via Berteloni 23, 00132, Rome, Italy, hereinafter referred to as Seller, on the other part,...

    3 pagini doc
  • Imagine document The marital rape in compared law

    The marital rape in compared law

    Referat / Engleză / Facultate

    1. In previous centuries, the legislation concerning the sexual crimes had the main right to protect the virginity of a woman, of legitimacy of the descendant as well as the patrimonial interests of the family. With the evolution of society, obviously this way of looking at the problem...

    5 pagini doc
  • Imagine document General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

    General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

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    1.Introduction International trade is the exchange of goods and services across international boundaries or territories.In most countries, it represents a significant share of GDP.While international trade has been present throughout much of history (see Silk Road, Amber Road), its...

    5 pagini doc Cuprins
  • Imagine document Egypt - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette

    Egypt - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette

    Curs / Engleză / Facultate

    Etiquette Egyptian Society & Culture Islam Islam is practised by the majority of Egyptians and governs their personal, political, economic and legal lives. Islam emanated from what is today Saudi Arabia. The Prophet Muhammad is seen as the last of God’s emissaries (following in the...

    5 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Germany - Language, Culture, Customs and Business Etiquette

    Germany - Language, Culture, Customs and Business Etiquette

    Curs / Engleză / Facultate

    German Society & Culture A Planning Culture - In many respects, Germans can be considered the masters of planning. - This is a culture that prizes forward thinking and knowing what they will be doing at a specific time on a specific day. - Careful planning, in one's business and...

    4 pagini doc
  • Imagine document Terrorism - Political, Economical and Social Implications

    Terrorism - Political, Economical and Social Implications

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    Arguments for choosing the theme We have obviously managed to achieve progress in almost all ways and we have built up a global society whose standards of living are higher that anyone living a century ago could have imagined. In the same tie we also managed to make this whole world...

    7 pagini doc