The Apocalypse Of Paul

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[.] the road. And he spoke to him, saying, By which road shall I go up to Jerusalem? The little child replied, saying, Say your name, so that I may show you the road. The little child knew who Paul was. He wished to make conversation with him through his words in order that he might find an excuse for speaking with him. The little child spoke, saying, I know who you are, Paul. You are he who was blessed from his mother s womb. For I have come to you that you may go up to Jerusalem to your fellow apostles. And for this reason you were called. And I am the Spirit who accompanies you. Let your mind awaken, Paul, with. For whole which among the principalities and these authorities and archangels and powers and the whole race of demons, the one that reveals bodies to a soul-seed. And after he brought that speech to an end, he spoke, saying to me, Let your mind awaken, Paul, and see that this mountain upon which you are standing is the mountain of Jericho, so that you may know the hidden things in those that are visible. Now it is to the twelve apostles that you shall go, for they are elect spirits, and they will greet you. He raised his eyes and saw them greeting him. Then the Holy Spirit who was speaking with him caught him up on high to the third heaven, and he passed beyond to the fourth heaven. The Holy Spirit spoke to him, saying, Look and see your likeness upon the earth. And he looked down and saw those who were upon the earth. He stared and saw those who were upon the. Then he gazed down and saw the twelve apostles at his right and at his left in the creation; and the Spirit was going before them. But I saw in the fourth heaven according to class - I saw the angels resembling gods, the angels bringing a soul out of the land of the dead. They placed it at the gate of the fourth heaven. And the angels were whipping it. The soul spoke, saying, What sin was it that I committed in the world? The toll-collector who dwells in the fourth heaven replied, saying, It was not right to commit all those lawless deeds that are in the world of the dead. The soul replied, saying, Bring witnesses! Let them show you in what body I committed lawless deeds. Do you wish to bring a book to read from? And the three witnesses came. The first spoke, saying, Was I not in the body the second hour? I rose up against you until you fell into anger and rage and envy. And the second spoke, saying, Was I not in the world? And I entered at the fifth hour, and I saw you and desired you. And behold, then, now I charge you with the murders you committed. The third spoke, saying, Did I not come to you at the twelfth hour of the day when the sun was about to set? I gave you darkness until you should accomplish your sins. When the soul heard these things, it gazed downward in sorrow. And then it gazed upward. It was cast down. The soul that had been cast down went to a body which had been prepared for it. And ...

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Structură de fișiere:
  • The Apocalypse Of Paul
    • Referat.doc
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Tipuri fișiere:
7/10 (2 voturi)
Anul redactarii:
Nr fișiere:
1 fisier
Pagini (total):
3 pagini
Imagini extrase:
2 imagini
Nr cuvinte:
1 020 cuvinte
Nr caractere:
4 283 caractere
8.49KB (arhivat)
Publicat de:
Anonymous A.
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Tip document:
la gimnaziu