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Objective: The objective of our survey is to evaluate the efficiency of high - education in Romania based on the need for professional reorientation of the graduates, having in mind the tendencies of the labour market.




Variable name Type of feature Variants, categories or classes of answers Question type

1 Faculty Qualitative, Nominal - Open Question

2 Reason of Choice Qualitative, Nominal a) Because of a "calling" (I liked the domain a lot)

b) Because of the parents, who obliged me

c) To follow my friends

d) Because of future financial certainty

e) I knew it was the right domain for me (my personality and my preoccupations), from all points of view

f) Other reason_____ Factual, closed, with pre-coded answers

3 Another faculty Qualitative, Ordinal a) Yes, I'm going to do that

b) Yes, I'd like to, but I haven't planned anything

c) So and so, I'd like to, but I don't have time

d) No, I believe a faculty is enough for anybody Factual, closed, with pre-coded answers

4 Percentage of knowledge applicability Quantitative, Report a) 0 - 20%

b) 20 - 40%

c) 40 - 60%

d) 60 - 80%

e) 80 - 90%

f) 90 - 100% Factual, closed, with pre-coded answers

5 Knowledge degree during faculty Qualitative, Ordinal Scale:

a) High (1)

b) Medium (0)

c) Low (-1) Factual, closed, with pre-coded answers

6 Knowledge in the domain, during faculty Quantitative, Ordinal

a) Only theoretical

b) More theoretical than practical

c) Practical and theoretical, equally

d) Practical, applicable in reality Factual, closed, with pre-coded answers

7 Work during faculty Qualitative,

Ordinal a) Yes, full job

b) Yes, part-time job

c) Yes, voluntary work

d) No, I haven't worked Factual, closed, with pre-coded answers

8 Work in the domain Dichotomic a) Yesb) No Factual, closed, with pre-coded answers

9 Work experience as a factor in employment Qualitative,

Ordinal a) Yes, of course

b) Yes, but there were other factors as well

c) No, only other factors were taken into account

d) I don't know Factual, closed, with pre-coded answers

10 Reorientation after graduation Qualitative,

Ordinal a) Yes, and now I work in other domain

b) Yes, this would have been necessary for me to work, but I waited for a job in my domain

c) No, it wasn't necessary, but I actually did this

d) No, it wasn't necessary, my profession was on demand Factual,closed, with pre-coded answers

11 Reorientation because of lack of experience Qualitative, Ordinal a) Yes, highly

b) Yes, somehow

c) Moderat

d) It didn't count much

e) It didn't count at all Factual, closed, with pre-coded answers

12 Means of reorientation Qualitative, Nominal a) Specialised practical courses

b) Working, and learning from my colleagues

c) Studying specialised books, handbooks, articles

d) Mailed courses

e) Other method________ Factual, closed, with pre-coded answers

13 Thought about other career Qualitative, Ordinal a) Yes, there were many times

b) Yes, only once

c) No, I've never thought of it

d) I don't remember Factual, closed, with pre-coded answers

14 Practical attitude Qualitative, Ordinal a) Yes, I actually changed my career

b) Yes, I've tried but I didn't manage to

c) No, I didn't have the courage to change something

d) No, I thought it was just a momentary feeling Factual, closed, with pre-coded answers

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Tipuri fișiere:
9/10 (3 voturi)
Nr fișiere:
1 fisier
Pagini (total):
28 pagini
Imagini extrase:
29 imagini
Nr cuvinte:
4 281 cuvinte
Nr caractere:
25 838 caractere
85.78KB (arhivat)
Publicat de:
Anonymous A.
Nivel studiu:
Tip document:
objective, high-education
la facultate